Despite the fact that the video was produced in late 1996 to early 1997, the Latin American dub of this video was not released until 2004, hence why Barney is voiced by Rubén Cerda instead of Jose Carlos Moreno.The preview for this video is announced by Dean Barnett.The set for "Barney's Super-Dee-Duper Circus" would later have the same name, but it will be later renovated in Barney's Super Singing Circus.The set for "Barney's Peppy Purple Pepperoni Pizzeria" would later be renovated in " Waiting For Mr.The toy school bus that Chip was playing with was a "Fisher Price Little People School Bus" with Little People characters inside.Before the title card is shown, the ending clip of the Seasons 2 & 3 intro is mistakenly featured.
#Barney adventure bus tv#
However, when the video's title is shown beneath the " Season 3" logo, instead of saying, "Barney Home Video", it only says "Barney" (to show that this is not an episode from the TV series). The Barney Theme Song in this home video uses the intro from Season 3 (featuring clips from the video, of course).The 1996 Baby Bop and BJ costumes would make their final television appearances in " Play Ball!" and " Going On A Bear Hunt". The final video appearances of the 1996 Baby Bop and BJ costumes.The first home video to use the Lyrick Studios logo.David Bernard Wolf would compose the music for some other home videos such as It's Time For Counting, Sing And Dance With Barney, and Round and Round We Go. The first home video to have David Bernard Wolf as a musical director.The first home video to have the teaser trailer for Barney's Great Adventure.The first appearances of Robert and Keesha, and the first time they appeared together.Production for this video took place in December 1996 to January 1997. The Adventure Bus under construction during the production of Barney's Adventure Bus Production " Turkey in the Straw (Barney's Version)".
BJ ( Voice: Patty Wirtz, Costume: Jeff Brooks). Baby Bop ( Voice: Julie Johnson, Costume : Jeff Ayers). Barney ( Voice: Bob West, Costume : David Joyner). With some imagination, Barney and all his pals take a trip to different kinds of real places like the castle, the pizz eria, the wild wild west, and the ci rc us. He takes his friends on his adventure bus ride. Barney becomes a bus driver, and he turns a toy school bus into a real big one. Kristen's voice was also heard in "Once Upon a Time".It's Saturday, and the kids are playing together. The vocals for Barney and the kids during "I Love You" are the same from the actual "Camp WannaRunnaRound", except Barney's voice was mixed with his Season 3 voice by Bob West, and the kids' vocals are mixed with the Late 1994-1996 Joe Phillips children choir's voices. On November 22, 2002, this video was featured in the Blockbuster Video exclusive, On The Move with Barney (along with Round and Round We Go). It was also used in "Barney's Adventure Bus" and "Barney's Great Adventure". The musical arrangement for I Love You was a mix of the "Let's Show Respect" arrangement and the "Barney's Big Surprise" arrangement. Just like the Barney Songs DVD, the subtitles were captioned by Caption Technologies, Inc on the DVD release of this video. The set for "Barney's Super-Dee-Duper Circus" would later have the same name, but it will be later remodeled in Barney's Super Singing Circus. The set for "Barney's Peppy Purple Pepperoni Pizzeria" would later be recycled and remodeled in " Waiting for Mr. The toy school bus that Carlos was playing with was a "Fisher Price Little People School Bus" with some Little People characters. He would compose the music for some other Season 3 home videos such as Standing Up to Bullies, Barney Songs, and Once Upon a Time, and would later be the main musical director for Seasons 4-last season. The first home video to have Joe Phillips as a musical director. BJ has his Season 3 voice and 1995 costume. Baby Bop has his Season 3 voice and 1995 costume. Barney has his Season 3 voice and 1994 costume. With some imagination, Barney and all his pals take a trip to different kinds of real places like the castle, a pizzeria, a wild wild west and the circus. It's Saturday, and the kids are playing together.