Ostiarius lector exorcista acolytus minor orders
Ostiarius lector exorcista acolytus minor orders

Later on, the porter would also guard, open and close the doors of the sacristy, baptistry and elsewhere in the church. The porter had in ancient times the duty of opening and closing the church-door and of guarding the church, especially to ensure no unbaptised persons would enter during the Eucharist. This was the first order a seminarian was admitted to after receiving the tonsure. In the Roman Catholic Church, this "porter" became the lowest of the four minor orders prescribed by the Council of Trent. a.Wikipedia (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition:Īn ostiarius, a Latin word sometimes anglicized as ostiary but often literally translated as porter or doorman, originally was a servant or guard posted at the entrance of a building. an altar attendant in public worship altar boy.

ostiarius lector exorcista acolytus minor orders

a person who guards the entrance of a building. DOORKEEPER - /dawr"kee'peuhr, dohr"-/, n.EXORCIST - /ek"sawr sist, -seuhr-/, n.LECTOR - lectorate /lek"teuhr it, -teuh rayt'/, lectorship, n.the degree or grade of acolyte, exorcist, lector, or ostiary. a person hired to carry burdens or baggage, as at a railroad station … PORTER - porter 1 /pawr"teuhr, pohr"-/, n.: one that tends the door of an establishment and admits only those qualified to enter …

ostiarius lector exorcista acolytus minor orders

OSTIARY - ostiar|y BrE AmE ˈɒst i‿ər |i AmE \ ˈɑːst i er |i ▷ ostiar|ies iz.noun one who keeps the door, especially the door of ….OSTIARY - noun the mouth of a river an estuary.Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary ) One who keeps the door, especially the door of a church a porter. Webster's Revised Unabridged English Dictionary OSTIARY - (n.) The mouth of a river an estuary.

ostiarius lector exorcista acolytus minor orders

OSTIARY - (n.) One who keeps the door, especially the door of a church a porter.Webster's New International English Dictionary OSTIARY - ˈästēˌerē noun ( -es ) Etymology: Latin ostiarius, from ostium door, mouth of a river + -arius -ary 1.More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word «OSTIARY» in dictionaries.

Ostiarius lector exorcista acolytus minor orders