Yes, rich people can afford to pay for fitness programs but less face it, some middle-aged people are too lazy to go on a fitness program even when they can afford it anyway. Low-income families need to be better off to 6 6.Why Are So Many Low-Income People So Overweight 7 7.Why are so many poor people fat Quora 8 8.Why are many poor people obese Quora 9 9. In 1981, Texas Senator Phil Gramm lamented, Were the only nation in the world where all our poor people are fat. Rich people can afford to have a few cars per family and everyone drives everywhere without having to walk much. 4 4.Why Are So Many Poor Americans So Overweight 5 5.Poverty causes obesity.
Wy poor people are faqt manual#
Rich people tend to have jobs that require less manual labour while low paying jobs tend to have more manual labour. However, I can think of other factors which could suggest why rich should be fatter, intuitively speaking. Also, stress slows down your metabolism and you may be more stressful when faced with finacial uncertainties. Yes, I've heard of the so-called "cheap calories" you can get from junk food. Imagine trying to eat well on 4.38 per day. Thats how much the average food stamp recipient gets each month. Try to make 133 worth of food last a whole month.

Moreover, 8 is a lot for a family living under the US poverty line. During that time, poor families either have to make do with substandard or dangerous housing, depend on the hospitality of relatives, or go homeless. I meant "In developed countries, why do poor people tend to be fat compared to general population and rich people tend to be thin?" Fast food is cheap only in comparison to eating in a full-service restaurant, with the average cost totals about 15 on average. Ok sorry for the stereotype, I figured there wasn't enough space to put many words.